Monday, February 29, 2016

Day#7: One Week Down!

One week down and I still went to the gym! Yup, still doing that if you were wondering ;)

7 Days Down, 53 Days till Disney World

So today marks one week since I decided to do this work out thing. My wallet cried and so did I, but sticking it out one week is major for me. I can't recall a single workout-type activity that i've ever done for that long and not decided to quite at the end of it. So, no white flags of surrender here they've been banished to the far corner to think about what they've done!

Working out today felt... fine. I wasn't stressed out by being in the gym and I mostly stopped wondering if people were watching me and laughing... this still is hard to overcome because the way the gym is set up, the weights and strength equipment is on the lower level, where the cardio equipment sit atop this viewing deck hovering over our heads. I'm sure they enjoyed watching me perfect my "marching" and my sweet moves on the "step"

step on, step off... step on step off... it's a wild ride! ;)

Earlier today I attended a 3.5 hour meeting where the company basically set out to establish what the point of our biz is... it was long and there were parts of it that hey, I admit I'm skeptical about. But over all it gave me hope that maybe work can get better than it has been. I'm crossing my fingers and keeping on keeping on!

But we all did get some sweet swag from the meeting. Check it, posing post work out... (Because sweaty me is way more attractive than non-sweaty me!)

One other cool thing being that I helped design the Tags that are on this pack.

If I were to purchase one of our sweet new browning bags, it wouldn't be this particular one, but Hey! (shrug) This one was free and it's still pretty awesome... Check it out here if you want to see more about my bag.

Anyway... following the meeting the company announced a few cool things, like that our dress code was being abolished... yup, I foresee a future at my job where I see far too much leg and hairy legs... and flipflops. Also, they announced that the way the company is doing vacation time is changing, which is great. Now it'll be structured so that I can take time off as long as I ensure that my work is getting done. (Which I never fail to do because I'm awesome!!!) This will make Disney World that much sweeter!

Lastly, I feel inclined to pat myself on the back... because ColdStone was offered to the entire company, and I resisted the urge to eat it. (I don't know why being good feels so crummy... oh yes I do, Ice Cream is awesome, and I love food.... Dang it!!! )


Shout out to everyone who's been supportive or who has said I've inspired them to work out *blush* That's super sweet! Way to go all of you! May the will-power be with you.

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