Friday, March 17, 2017

CrossFit Challenge Completed!

Well I did it! Done; Seven whole weeks of CrossFit under my now looser belt! :)

When I decided to do this, it was terrifying, and now it's slightly less terrifying. Each day I went I wasn't sure what I could do. How I could make this work for me without hurting myself? But as I got into the rhythm of things and learned all these new workouts I grew more confident that I could handle things as they came. And now here at the finish line I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made in CrossFit.

33 Days Till WDW2.0

The results are in... Before/After CrossFit:

I'm not sure that the photo really does justice to the changes I can see in myself. My thighs have really toned up... shrinking up my waist and hips. I've also noticed that my midsection seems to be getting tighter which is super exciting (that's where I want to see the change the most! Which of corse means its the last place I shed it.)


Total Weight: - 15lbs
Body Fat%: - 7.6% (side note; Now I have more muscle than fat! I've crossed the threshold!)
Shoulders: - 2.4 inches
Chest: -  2.7 inches
Waist: - 3.5 inches (I'm in a size 14 pants now!)
Hips: - 1.25 inches
Thighs: -1.5 inches

Side Comparisons are fun too, but I don't have one from before CrossFit, but this is from December to now...

And this one; I'm really proud of my strength progress in my arms!

Dec 28th / March 17th (yes the face is necessary!)


What do I think of CrossFit?

CrossFit is Hard. And it's been hard on my Knees and Hips, But Golly how I've grown stronger and more sure of myself and my capabilities by doing it. I can honestly say I do love it. CrossFit is intense - I like that. CrossFit is Olympic Lifting - and I like most of that. CrossFit Demands a lot of you, and expects you to push yourself - I like that expectation and striving to surpass myself. CrossFit is Structured - I need that and appreciate that about it. CrossFit is a community of crazies, some of the nicest people I've meet, all who really care and encourage me every day. CrossFit was a great Experience for me. It hasn't seen the last of me thats for sure!

What did I learn?

Silly as it seems, I learned to listen to my body more. I thought I had gotten good at knowing my limits before CrossFit, but once I started I became acutely aware of just how much I had to pay attention to what i'm feeling. Both to keep myself from over-extending my abilities but also not to hurt myself.

I also learned that even if something seems harder than I can do, that it doesn't mean that it'll always be too hard! Movements that I couldn't do two months ago I can now. Today I bench pressed almost 80 lbs!!! That's Huge for me! I couldn't do sit-ups, but now I can do them confidently and with a fair amount of gusto. Nothing is out of reach for long if you keep at it! Heck... I've lost 70 lbs... I never thought that was within my reach a year ago!

What am I doing next?

I'm still not sure. Honestly I'd love to keep doing CrossFit; but knowing my body and trying to respect the strain i've put on my knees and hips, I'm going to step that back for now and try something new. I've rolled around a few ideas in my head; taking a cycling class or a swim class... Maybe taking up another personal trainer if I can find the right one.

With so much coming up I've got to keep pushing myself so that I don't backslide though. I'm on the search for my next thing, if anyone has suggestions I'm open to them! <3 Thanks.

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