Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Nearing the CrossFit Finish...

So, Here I am, in the trenches of the last week of my CrossFit adventure! Wow! It's getting down to it now. Only half a week left and my 6 week challenge will be over. It's time to make a decision, do I want to keep doing CrossFit after this or not? Tough question...

42 Days till WDW2.0


It's my personal goal this week to attend CrossFit every single day. So far I'm on track to do just that. Final weigh in will happen Saturday morning on my last work out of the challenge. Over the last two weeks of the challenge we've been able to come to as many classes as we want, not just the previous assigned days and times... and i kinda had to slack off a bit last week because I had my wisdom tooth pulled, Ouch!

Following that I'm renewing my determination and it's going to pay off if I have anything to do with it ;) I'll do a sum-up type post of my CrossFit experience once i've gotten that last work out in. Once I've decided how if I'm going to stick with it or try something new.

I think just being active and accountable will ultimately keep me on track with my new fitness lifestyle and goals; that, and not over eating... even over eating healthy food can still set me back (bummer I know!)

More #sweatyselfies

On my last week, Week#6.

Biggest Ouches from CrossFit: Bruises, Knees, and Hips.
Biggest Wins: Confidence, Drive, Community, Accountability... and with any luck WeightLoss ;)


Stuff happens in waves, not trickles of gentle rain showers... So much is happening this summer, so many things that I'm excited about:

- I've got some big Projects at work (both exciting and scary)
- I've got my Walt Disney World trip in April.
- My sister Melisa is getting married, and I'm Maid of Honor! So much to plan, so much to do before the big day in May!
- Italy in July. I've just got Plane tickets booked, and my passport application will be sent out by the end of the week -I've got lots to do to get ready for this exciting trip.

It's going to be an exciting summer... I think its going to keep my busy and happy. I'm taking life by the drainpipes and swallowing every wave of crazy! (that metaphor.... oh dear, lol...)

Just Keep Swimming Right?!

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