Sunday, May 8, 2016

Day#75-76: The day without a Mother

When I started writing this post it was very negative, and after reading through it I deleted it.

I've always kind of resented Father's day, having never had much to celebrate on that day; and now with my mother's passing; Mother's day is also a tough one. I was going to complain, lament my situation and how much I miss my amazing mother. But, I've changed my mind.

Today I visited my Aunt Grace's house for Mother's day, and for my cousin Ammon's Birthday. The day before I spent time with my brother Taylor and his wife Kyra and my two adorable Nephews - Xander, and Mason. I realized how fortunate I am. Despite it all, God still loves me. My family still loves me, and if we all can love each other on a day that I wish wasn't celebrated, it can't be too bad really. Not really.

I'm blessed to know some amazing woman. My aunts, and my sisters. Especially my sisters! I don't know what I would do without them. I'm very blessed. I look forward to the day when we are all called to be mothers in our own way's and we can support and uplift each other. For now I get to support and uplift Kyra and her calling as a mother and that's pretty cool.

It's hard to have this day honoring mothers; for those of us who's mothers have passed, or for those who are struggling to become mothers. Those who deserve to be and those trying hard to be. I know it's hard for a lot of people. I would be ungrateful for my amazing mother and to all the wonderful woman in my life if I were to turn this day into a day of pity.

My mom was supermom. I will never feel differently. Even when I miss her; and I probably will always be a bit sad on mother's day. But... now I have a greater understanding of why my mother's favorite hymn was What Songs of the Heart. "...Nevermore from our loved ones to roam..."

Those we love don't leave forever, and while they are away, God puts people, good people, strong wonderful women in my life. Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


  1. This is so very sweet. I'm so impressed that you choose to be grateful and positive with such a hard hand dealt. THanks for your example, Elyse!

  2. This is so very sweet. I'm so impressed that you choose to be grateful and positive with such a hard hand dealt. THanks for your example, Elyse!

  3. I agree your mom was and is a supermom! I know that she is still trying to be that supermom in ways we don't even realize. I love you Elyse! This is such a great post. Way to see the rainbow through the nasty storm. You're awesome.
