Monday, June 6, 2016

Day#105: Sick and Working Out Anyway

This past Friday I went to my friend Cambry's wedding. She is quite adorable. I brought the book and it looked good. Despite the fact that things ended up being not quite as good as I'd would have liked it to have been. (Guess that's just how things go with me being a perfectionist!)

Helped my sister Melisa at the Cake Bar, serving cake and just being awesome ;)

Snapped a couple pictures in my motorcycle dress, felt cute that day!

Unfortunately that night I came down with some kind of stomach flu. YUCK! Had a fever of 101.8 and felt miserable over the weekend. This morning I was pretty much cuffed to the porcelain throne so that wouldn't slide at work; so I didn't go in and told a couple of my coworkers to pass on the word.

Finally around 4:00 I was feeling good enough to finally eat something, so I had a salad with tuna on it. Didn't finish it but at least this meal kept itself inside me! Yay! So... debating on if I should even attempt to workout today. It was 8:00 and I decided that what the heck I'd give it a go. I was feeling better and if I started to feel like I couldn't do it, I'd let myself off the hook.

So off the gym I went. Go me! Started strength training, and who should bounce over, Kendra! Gave me a high-five. She said that she practically lived at the gym today. Whenever I've gone to the gym this late I've never seen Kendra there, so it was a surprise, one that I wasn't expecting. At least she knows I'm working out on other days than training days right? lol.

It was tough getting myself motivated, It was more of a muscle-through-it kind of day but you know what? Not every day is going to be rainbows and unicorns, muscling through it is perfectly alright! I'll take it! :)


It's nearly time to go back to my doctor again, yay (shakes head sadly...) not exactly looking forward to that. Being an adult and figuring out my stuff is no fun. I don't like adulating very much. Well I'll see how that goes down. I hope to rub my weight loss in my doctors face, particularly since she was so unsupportive last time I saw her. Yeahhhhhh... something that childish proves that I'm not really an adult... Anyone got a good doctor that I can see that's closer to me in North Salt Lake. I need to start looking. Mostly because I feel like I need a doctor who's going to be in my corner more. Right?

Tomorrow is a new day! Onward and all that jazz!

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