Huzzah for Climbing adventures... that is until you hurt yourself. Yes it's true, I hurt myself. This past Saturday I went rock climbing again with crazy Jane! it was supposed to be outside in "nature"; in the wilds of Utah; but due to crazy weather, (snow in the mountains, rain everywhere else) we felt it would be smarter to stick with doing it indoors. So off the gym we went.
I got there early and got certified to belay! Yay! Now I can "safely" belay someone else. I swear I'm going to get Jane up on that wall at the other end of the rope. She can't avoid it forever... ;) I probably shouldn't rush the person who's had a crazy leg injury to consider... me my injuries were less sever to be sure.
We climbed several new spots, and I concurred a new route (with green rocks), along with another good go at some I dominated last time round. Jane is always fun to go climbing with because she's so encouraging to this newbie. I really appreciate that about her.
I think however, I've found my next nemesis in climbing routes... this red rock path totally ruined me. I attempted three different times to scale it, got to the same spot and each time - then slipped and fell. The first time, was the worst!
"This..." says Jane, "makes you a true hardcore climber."
Caught my finger on a rock on my way down, and bruised one finger, slightly ripping a fingernail up on my thumb... It was super ouchie! I may have pouted and taken a break after that climb, my hands were so raw... poor little fingers.
When I asked Jane if there were such things as climbing gloves she laughed and showed me pictures like this...
Jane: "You're officially initiated into rock climbing now."
Me: "I wasn't initiated, I was hazed!"(pouty lip)
I was a little bitter about the fall, Jane was trying to tell me where to put my hand holds and well... I was a bit frustrated that it resulted in a slip and the subsequent finger ouchies. I'm over it now... mostly ;) haha!
I do like rock climbing, I think it's really challanging and fun. I'll have to admit at some point that it's more than a casual interest... what do you guys think? Where's that line, rock climbing adventure #5, #10? things to think about. Still looking for more single friends who are interested in climbing with me, It's a hard thing to do alone. Sigh... I need more friends. (this may seem like a sad plee for friendship from a overworked and stressed out designer, but I assure you - that's EXACTLY what it is!)
Following my rock climbing adventure #3 I met up with my sisters and attended the LDS's Semi-Anual General Confrence Women's meeting. It was awesome! I love my sisters. Honestly I lucked out in that department.
Good Times!
Monday I have to admit I wasn't feeling to great, I'm pretty sure that I've caught some kind of lovely little bug from my adorable nephew! I couldn't resist that snot covered little goober, he's so adorable even when he's all runny nosed and cranky. Well, Now I'm getting sick. Which is definitely not something I want to be getting. I'd love to be getting promoted, getting a free vacation to Disney, Getting a Hug... any of those would be great. Getting sick... not so much.
So I skipped out on the work out Monday. But today is Tuesday, and I have a training session with Tyler scheduled. I start thinking... should I or shouldn't I go? Honestly I didn't entertain the idea of canceling for very long before I rationalized that, if i'm going to get sicker (which I probably will...) I know that I'll have to cancel then, and since I'm paying for these sessions gosh darn it, I'm going to go until I just really can't. ;) No, I'm not going to be irresponsible and go and get Tyler sick - He has a baby at home peeps. I'm not cruel!
So I went; and I'm super glad I did. Today we did a bit more chill of a work out, which I'm glad for. I reminded Tyler of a conversation we had had a couple weeks ago about doing a work out focusing on my hips and the fact that I'm pretty sure (like 99% sure) that my hips are out of alignment. So today we did stretches, and exercises to target my hips. I'm so stiff in the hips, these stretches were super effective, and yes painful. But with great stretches comes greater flexibility... and pain... pain too!
Today's #sweatyselfie
Anyway... it's a crazy life, working out and getting on track. Yup, even being sick isn't going to stop me, It might delay or waylay or re-rought me, or slow me to a crawl, but I'll keep eeking onward. Just doing my best and forgetting the rest. :)
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