Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Day#316: A New Year - Starting Fresh

Happy New Year! 2017 here we come!

It's been a crazy 10ish months since I started this fitness escapade. I've learned a lot and changed a lot; and not just in the numbers on the scale. I've been thinking these past three days about what I'd want as my new years resolution this year and I really felt that I didn't need a new one, just a rededication to the one that I started in February last year.

Feel Better, Work harder, and Keep Trying.

This applies to so many parts of my life beyond just getting rid of the weight. I've come a far ways from where I was. I've learned just how strong I can be, just how dedicated and how determined. I never really believed I could do it. Change; but I'm starting to see a glimmer in my future, that hope of what and who I always wanted to be.

It's never too late to start trying. Look what can happen if you just give it a shot. Try, fail and try again... It's happened to me over and over. I have a huge weakness for food. The struggle to not reach for food when I'm having a rough day is not something that I'm not always good at. I'm still trying to overcome and move past my coping mechanisms. But ya know? I think that now I have more hope in myself. I can do it. :)


Ringing in the new year with the first and last sweatyselfies of the year!

On top of my rededication, I'm going to be trying extra hard to re-dedicate myself to the 4 days a week of working out. Over the holiday months I let things slip to just half that, I can see how my progress suffered. So re-dedicating myself to that as well.


A little perspective excercise, to take the blinders off my everyday struggles and remember how I've come, and how much I've grown.

I remember when I couldn't, but now I can...

1. I remember when I couldn't worry enough about what others thought, now I can find the strength to remember few people's opinions actually matter. Particularly when it comes to matters of my weight loss journey. Everyone has opinions; the thing is... that's just what they are. Take or leave um.

2. I remember when I couldn't even do a single push up, now I can do 10-15 in a minute.

3. I remember when I couldn't help feeling discouraged when I went to the doctor, but now I can feel hope for feeling better.

4. I remember when I couldn't stand the idea of working out with people around to stare, but now I can laugh because we're all more concerned with how we look to notice others at the gym. Besides, I've learned that people at the gym are usually just as excited about my progress as I am! Theres power in encouraging others and complementing their progress and determination. I know it always lifts me.

5. I remember when I couldn't see my reflection without feeling angry at how I looked, but now I look and feel joy in how far I've come.

6. I remember when I couldn't harness any willpower at all when it came so to sweets. And now I'm working on it, and finding it easier all the time. Removing the temptation from my home is a huge factor in concurring those cravings.

7. I remember when I couldn't manage working out one day after another because I would be too worn down from the day before... Now I can manage it and even excel.

8. I remember when I hated clothing and getting dressed in the morning was a struggle and an emotionally heavy task. And now I get excited to wear smaller clothing and to see larger garments go.

9. I remember when I couldn't keep promises to myself about health goals, and now I'm managing it. Being accountable to a trainer seriously made all the difference for me!

10. I remember when I couldn't even fathom a time when I would do a 5K or go Rock Climbing. Being overweight and unsure of my abilities and lacking in confidence kept me from trying. But this past year I've done both those things. I can't wait to do more things that challenge me.


2017 is a shiny new year - a new opportunity; and I'm excited to make it better than the last year. Here it comes, there's no stopping it so let's do this thing!!!


  1. Elyse, this is such an inspirational post. You are such an example to me, especially because lately I've had a hard time wanting to exercise and turning to sweets and food when I'm having those tough days. When I'm ready to set my own goals you will continue to be my inspiration. Keep up the good work. You are looking so good, and I love your positive attitude!

  2. Thanks aunt Sherri. I have bad days too. It's all about trying again right? Lol, sometimes the positive attitude is a total "fake it till you make it" kind of thing. I'm not always on track but I'm flattered that you would feel inspired by me. Good luck, I'm sure you'll totally exceed your expectations and goals. :)
