Saturday, January 7, 2017

Day#320: An Average Woman

Guess what ladies? Did you know that the average woman in america is actually a size 16 in pants? That's right! Apparently That makes me average now. I'm now in size 16 along with so many other american ladies!

Check out my "Giant Pants" picture. I've always wanted to do one of these!

Perhaps it's not something to be excited about for some people but for me, I couldn't be more thrilled and relieved to find that I'm not alone. Struggling with your weight can really make you feel isolated and damage you're self worth. I know for me it sure did and does. I'm far from where I want to be but I'm excited about where i'm at and how far i've come.

Hurray for being average!

Tim Gunn has our back ladies! Love love this!

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