Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day#43: To nap, or not to nap; that isn't even an option....

Over the hump; sometimes that hump is a mountain.

43 Days Down, 15 Till DisneyWorld.

Today I got home from work and was just sleepy and disinterested in doing any kind of anything. Laying in bed and taking a nap sounded pretty awesome. But I knew that If I didn't do my workout today that it would mean that I'd have to do another day this week either Friday or Saturday. It's much more gratifying to have those days be bonus days rather than mandatory ones. :)

So I went to the gym. I'm telling you guys, I had to chant on my way there "I can do this, I can do this..." somedays are just downright harder than others.

On the plus side I think I may have figured out a way to modify how i'm taking my meds to keep me from feeling disgusting... If I don't take the evening dosage of one particular pill on those days that I work out, than I don't have a blood sugar crash. It's when I take that pill and work out that I have the crashing hypoglycemic episodes. The morning dosage can still get me, but it's easier to address than if it happens suddenly in the middle of the night where i wake up blindsided by it.


So Decided to do more cardio, got to step up my game right? did a whole hour on the treadmill after 18 minutes on the bike, and golly are my feet pooped. Also, Found a new friction spot for my darling feet... On the outside of my right foot, back on inside of the heal is a perfectly round deep blister. It makes me feel like there was something rubbing specifically there, not like a general pressure... I can't figure it out though... nothing was in my shoe, and it wasn't too bothersome until the end of my hour walk. Maybe my sock got a wrinkle and that's what caused the friction. Oh well, guess these are the things I'll have to deal with in WDW so this is just prep for the real thing ;)

Sweaty Pic, I know how those are your favorites! If I look scared; it's because I am! Scared of my own AWESOMENESS! ;)


Steps today looking good, looks like I did roughly the same amount of steps as Monday when walking around the mall! WooHoo!

Got to make some serious headway on some stuff these next couple weeks both in the gym and personally... Still have to get my taxes done... (yuck) Grown-up stuff is no fun. NO FUN I SAY!

Only 15 more days, that's two weeks to the day tomorrow. Ahhhhh!

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