Monday, April 11, 2016

Day#48: Magic Polka-Dot Pants

48 Days Down, 10 Till Disney World.

Today I wore my new polka-dot pants to work. This was not only fun because they are really adorable, but also because they are a whole pants size smaller than my other jeans!

That's right I've lost a pants size! WOOHOO! :) Couldn't be more excited about it. I made the goal to be a pant size smaller by Disney-World and I did it with a whole 10 days to spare. I'm excited to tell Kendra tomorrow that we hit the goal!

Yay!!! Small victories all add up to big victories. I like this small victory very much.


Worked out in a frenzy today because I got off work late and had to make it to Orem to meet and plan for DisneyWorld... It's all happening fast, I can't believe it! Eeeeeek~!


It may have been a shorter work out than normal, but that's alright, I'm still having back pain, and a shorter work-out was something that I welcomed eagerly... but it still counts... I still did it, still sweat up a storm and got moving.


  1. Congratulations!! That's awesome!!

  2. Yay!!! That's fantastic! All the hard work is paying off! Keep up the good work!

  3. They were FABULOUS pants. You looked great!!

    1. *BLUSH* dawwww! Thanks Heather. They are great Pants.

  4. Yay Elyse!!!!! You are totally my inspiration! #itotesstartedrunningbecauseofyou

    1. That's awesome, I'm humbled to hear that I could inspire you. Love you Cuz!

  5. Yay Elyse!!!!! You are totally my inspiration! #itotesstartedrunningbecauseofyou
