Friday, March 4, 2016

Day#11: Equip Yourself!

Today was a rest day, yay! I love those.

11 Days Down, 49 till Disney World!

So I decided not to work out today, having already done my required 4 days this week I decided to reward myself with a day off of working out and instead decided to reward myself with.... Cleaning :/ yup, what a great way to spend my Friday night, cleaning, doing laundry and vacuuming.

But honestly it's good, my apartment was getting a bit scary hairy in places, one of which was my sink. I'm not always the best about getting dishes done as soon as I'm done cooking. (I'm working on it.) but before I went on my cleaning spree I decided to outfit myself with a couple fine things...

I went and purchased a excercise mat, to save myself skinned elbows while planking, a excercise ball, and a pair of 6lb dumbbells. This is my attempt to give myself no excuses. Even in days where I am not going to the gym I'll have what I need to do planks and weights and core excercise all on my own,

Today I did a few reps with my new weights and that was enough ;) still have jello legs from walking so much yesterday in the treadmill. So, now I'm building my own personal gym.

Can't wait to kick my own butt while using it.

Also, made myself some awesome food for dinner, (Just thought I'd brag) Cooked myself up some Spegettii Squash and put some homemade stake fajita filling on top. Fajita Spegettii! It was actually super tasty, and pretty healthy! Even had enough calories extra today to have a bonus whole wheat Fig Bar! I know, I splurge - I'm a rebel like that! ;)

Also, The new trailer for Finding Dory has come out! I'm so so so psyched!

I've watched it like a BAGILLION times! each time it gets more and more exciting! Get psyched with me, and watch the trailer until you get sick... then watch it one more time ;)

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