Friday, March 11, 2016

Day#18: Photoshop Skillz - with a z!

Happy Friday, and happy rest day!

18 Days Down, 42 Till Disney World.

Work Story!

For those of you who don't know... (most of those who read this blog are my family so I would hope they know); I'm a graphic designer. I work for a company out by the SLC airport called SPG that works as a licensor. Meaning we crate and produce product for other people's brands and sell them in the market, those brands/companies getting a margin of the profit.

Today I submitted a file for review by my team, of a piece of packaging that I created for product that we don't even have samples of yet in house. Yup Made the renderings pretty convincing. In fact after submitting this file for review - only a few minutes passed before my team member from sales comes up to my desk so rifled and confused. Slack Jawed at how I somehow had samples of a product that he hadn't yet seen, or even been produced.

Haha! My photoshop skills have gotten so good apparently that I fooled him. (brushes chip off my shoulder). See below, Packaging in question.

"Make it Blue!"... Closest product I had was pink, so I made it work (specification file shown on paper laying underneath product). - Anyway. Thought I'd share since it made my day brighter.

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