Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day#35: Five Pounds!!!

That was a long Tuesday, am I right?

35 Days Down, 23 Till Disney World.

Time is going by fast. Crazy that D-Day only a few weeks away. So worked out today with Kendra for the first time since last week all on my own; and you guessed it, she wanted to do measurements.

So Here's how that went:

Arms: Still no change... DANG IT!
Waist: lost another half an inch. Right on track for loosing a pants size by D-Day.
Hips: Lost a little there.
Thighs: Lost there too!

And over all my numbers are going down so I'm pleased. As of today I've lost 5 pounds. One month's time and lost 5 lbs. :) Yay! I feel really good about it. I'm even more optimistic that when adding in my meds that I'll loose more. I just have to keep working and continuing to be motivated.

Today Kendra told me that she was super impressed with me. That she could tell that I'd been working out while she was gone; that sometimes she'll come back from a hiatus and some of her clients have clearly digressed. WooHoo. No backwards steps for me, no sir! Mom be up in heaven all like "You go girl" Cuz in heaven my mom is gagster! Lol!!!

(Yay 5 pounds!)

So, On the blister front, I tried out "Operation Wrap Toes" today before heading to the gym. Wrapped up those piggies good.

The experiment went good for the most part. The middle toes wraps did not stay on very well and ripped and twisted around in my socks. My left foot wrapping being more successful than the right side. I'm thinking of trying a different kind of tape than what I had on hand; see if something specifically geared toward Runners/Athletics helps more.

Kendra mentioned trying SecondSkin (something like that), apparently it's like a liquid/plastic coating that hardens and provides basically a "Fake Callous" where applied. Anyone Tried that? Thoughts?


Since Kendra was gone last week I get to re-arrange and add the two sessions from last week to sometime else. So I committed to doing an early morning, hour long, workout session with her this Saturday morning. I must be coco loco, I love Saturday morning sleeping in... Well we'll see how that goes. #missingsleepalready

Tomorrow is Hump Day! WooHoo, nearly half way through the work week already, how does that happen?