Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day#30: Socks and Still Going

Things are getting real!

30 Days Down, 28 Till Disney World!

Worked out four days this week, and I still haven't done the "Walk to the Gym" goal that I set for myself. Which means I have to go to the gym tomorrow or Saturday to accomplish this goal. I only have one more workout to go through until I've done all of them that Kendra has made or modified since i've started this crazy train.

So strange to think about how I've done this work out thing for a whole month! :) I'm actually surprised to be honest. I've never done anything like this before. :D I surprise even myself. So things are still going... even without Kendra to report to this week I've still gone to the gym; even though nobody would know if I didn't go. Ha! Being accountable to just myself - so grown up!


So... work story. Today when I got back from lunch there was a present sitting on my chair when I got back. It was a pair of socks. Behold!

The Story behind the socks is this; a few months back there was this big emergency, that basically usurped all the other priorities of the graphics department at work, they told us that the entire Browning Socks line had to be re-designed, that was like 35 designs and all of them in like three days or something crazy and unrealistic like that. Well I among a slew of other designers took on the task of creating sock designs... and I came up with a sweet houndstooth Buckmark design.

This is a sample sent from china of what their fist attempt was for creating my design. They totally flopped it, the pattern didn't turn out how it was supposed to. Well, that's china for ya!!! But since my company isn't using these designs now (Go figure, all that work we put in; completely scrapped :( ) they told me that I could keep these duds... So even though they didn't get the design right, it's still kinda cool to see something you thought up in your head - now in your hands... wrong... but still. in my hands!

This is a test sample, so colors and materials were also wrong... so i would never wear these extremely itchy socks... but it's a fun bit of random. I'm thinking of getting them framed or stuffed into sock monkeys! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE? oh oh oh, or mounted sock monkeys??? Okay, that's a bit too far... haha just had a morbid mental picture.

Happy "Rubber-Lips" Thursday Everyone.

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