Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day#23: This Little Piggy Went to Work Out

Trying to stay motivated to keep eating healthy is tough, especially when I love food so much.

23 Days Down, 37 Till Disney World!

Cravings.. why do you plague me? Haha! Eating like a rabbit gets old, and I see tasty treats and my heart aches to consume every morsel like a little sugar craving piggy. Speaking of Pigs... (insert awkward transition here) I keep trying to find ways to control my hair during a work out; and today I decided to attempt yet again, to see if I could pul my short hair into a pony tail... no such luck, however I did manage to pull them into two small pig tails... Behold!

A little bit falls out but that's alright, much better than having all my hair stick to my neck in the river of sweat that is my face during a work out. Honestly, Im disgusting... dripping all over, they should follow me around with a mop just to keep other patrons from slipping ;) Whatever! I'm rocking it, dripping sweat is just a byproduct of awesomeness!

The pig tails didn't however function quite like how I thought they would... Instead they functioned more like faucets... guiding and directing my dripping sweat river all over the place. Still everywhere but stuck to my neck, so I'll probably sport this look again!

Not much to repot. Did repeat of yesterday's work out, legs still feeling the burn... my knees especially, I might need to take a brake from doing squats and lunges to give my knees some time to recover. We'll see what Kendra has in store for me tomorrow.

Did 50 minutes of Strength training, and 50 minutes of Cardio - I have the blisters to prove it! Going to make walking tomorrow extra fun. I may have to frolic like a darranged fish on land instead of walk to keep my toesies happy. Just have to remind myself that getting blisters and callouses now is a good thing, means less of that at the happiest place on earth.


  1. My friend recommended drinking a couple of swallows of pure, unsugared cranberry juice to kill cravings. It works... mostly because it takes my tasebuds about 3 hours to recover. :) Just thought I'd share because cravings are the worst!

    1. oh... Interesting, I've never tried drinking pure cranberry juice, sounds tart! :) Cravings are the worst though.. then I'd do the smart thing and get on Pintrest.. which always leads to pinning food that looks tasty. Sigh... I have a problem. lol.
