Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Day#9 Staying Alive

First I was afraid, I was Petrified...

9 Days Down, 51 Days till Disney World.

So, I've got to celebrate the small accomplishments... doing the treadmill for an extra 15 minutes today when following my training yesterday my hamstrings were whimpering... That's what I get I guess when I ask Kendra to explain how to properly set up the settings on the Treadmill. What can I say I'm a glutton for punishment.

Second victory being... I could have had a rest day today and I didn't! Which means out of the 4 days I have to work out this week I've already done 3 of them.

One might ask, "So, what was your third victory?" well I'll tell you. I officially polished off the very last portion of the Cabbage/Carrot Chicken Raman Salad. Yup, all gone! It was delicious! Even though this is a supremely delish dish; eating so much fiber so often and in such quantities has... how shall I say this delicately?... dire explosive consequences.

(Awkwardly takes many trips to the bathroom...) Yikes!

Sweaty pic for the day looks much like yesterday's large acid sweat... See not much different. ;)

Tomorrow I see my trainer Kendra again, Oh what next is in store for little ol' me?

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