Saturday, March 5, 2016

Day#12: Feeling like a Failure.

Not much to report today other than I didn't go to the gym.

12 Days Down, 48 Days Till Disney World.

Okay, let me lay out the real talk. This morning I slept in. It was glorious!!! But I battled with myself all day about going to the Gym. I simply didn't want to go. I made myself busy with other things that are themselves important but once the hours for the gym had passed I felt like a big fat FAILURE!

I'm very good at making myself feel bad, today was no exception. In perspective I know that missing work out today is no big deal, I'd already done my 4 work out days this week. It just felt like I'd let myself down...

So; There's the real talk for you. Feeling disappointed in myself today.

But tomorrow is another day, sure it's Sunday and I won't be going to the gym since it's closed... Operation "give myself no excuse" has really not taken off. Guess I just have to commit to do better, or lower my unrealistic expectations. Four days in a week is much better than I've ever ever EVER done before - which was like none times a week!

I think I just constantly fall into the trap of expecting too much of myself and then giving up when I can't live up to those expectations - see learning things about myself!!!

Guess today wasn't a total wash, I did eat super healthy today... finished up the remainder of my spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce and turkey and steamed veggies. I think there is something significant about making pretend pasta out of squash... I actually really like spaghetti squash and this is a tasty way to consume it.  HUZZAH FOR VEGGIES!

Sigh, this thing is hard... but i'm starting to realize small success is still success. I'm working on progress not perfection... Just have to keep trying.

On a happier note, I went to see Zootopia today at the IMAX. (Yes by myself, because i'm awesome.(add sassy snap) Elyse don't need no date.)

What a good movie, that's one I'm going to buy. I loved it! Go see it; It'll make you happier to!

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