Sunday, March 6, 2016

Day#13 Trying New Things

I've decided that on Sundays, I'll post recipes.

13 Days Down, 47 Till Disney World

So today I decided to do try out something that I've seen on Pinterest but with my own twist: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls. In the recipes I saw online it was always using Cabbage as a replacement for tortillas, but in this case I decided to do mini meatloafs wrapped in cabbage.

I made my meatloaf mix: lean ground beef and onion, egg and a bit of Worcestershire sauce.

Next I steamed the cabbage until I could pull of layer by layer as I went. Then proceeded to wrap a portion of the meatloaf mixture inside the cabbage leafs.

Next I made the sauce... Since Katchup seemed the wrong move here I made my own tomato sauce and put that on top. Tomatoes, Green Onion, Mushrooms, Salt, Pepper, and a bit of spaghetti seasoning. And blended till incorporated.

This was ladled on top of the cabbage rolls and then I cooked them at 375 for 40 minutes (internal temperature of 170). Then I devoured them!

Yay, for winging my own thing here, they turned out super tasty!

After that I did some planking at home and decided to forgo the walk outside since it started to rain/snow. :(  Tomorrow - Back to the Gym!

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