Today was a tough one - I really didn't want to go work out.
21 Days Down, 39 Till Disney World!
Today I knew I had to go to the gym, and Sunday I didn't work out, I was pooped, and today at work was a stressful one. I've got quite a few large projects coming up and I'm feeling intimidated by them to say the least.
When I got home I wasn't feeling to good, I don't think my stomach liked much of anything I was feeding it and was going on strike - enlisting the help of my kidneys to kick up a fuss. But They're probably just complaining because I'm trying to drown them - Hey (shrug) Kendra's orders; trying to drink more water.
So by the time I ate dinner and had settled into my comfy blue couch, I was mentally battling with myself to go work out. Because tomorrow with Kendra is only going to be more difficult if I didn't work out today. That was the thing that really got me up and dressed for the gym and out the door.
I've got to do pushups - real proper not from my knees pushups! As well as this other exercise that I couldn't do my first day... yeah were supposed to that tomorrow as well. It involves sitting and standing without using my hands to support the lift. This sounds lame but hurts my knees and I could only do a few of them the first day before I just couldn't because it hurt... hoping I can do better this time around.
So... Made it to the gym at 9:00. Better late then never I suppose. Did Strength training for 30 minutes, then cardio for 50 minutes. Getting my endurance up a little at a time. I only have a month left to really get my feet and legs and overall endurance up to the task of taking on DisneyWorld and I'm not feeling like I'm quite there yet. But every bit helps; today was a whole extra 15 minutes more of cardio than i've done so far.
Came home and stretched and then just layed on the floor as if dead...
"I'm Melting... I'M MELTING!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh (gurgle, sputter, drool...)" Ha! Tomorrow is another day, and I'm still doing this.
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