Friday, March 25, 2016

Day#31: There and Back again, a Workout Tale

Who has two thumbs and met her personal goals for the week? This girl!

31 Days Down, 27 Till Disney World.

So in anticipation of Kendra's absence this week, I made two goals for myself. They were:

1. Complete every workout Kendra has given me  (5 workouts Total).  CHECK!!!

2. Walk to and from the gym as my cardio. (3 miles total distance there and back) CHECK!!!

I'm so proud of myself, I honestly wasn't sure with hurting myself last weekend if I was going to be able to do it, but I did! Yay! Strange that I can have complete confidence in someone else's ability to do things, but when it comes to myself I doubt more than ever. Probably stems from my perfectionism making it hard to achieve over realistic goals. But these goals were good and short term. I did it and that makes me glad, proud that I can put my mind to things and do it.

Pre and Post Workout, with walking to and from the gym!

It's official though... popped my first blister from walking. I've had a few develop but none pop. Ouch! Guess it couldn't last. I'll take any advice on how to prevent or treat blisters, how to help them heal faster... anything to help me survive Disney World relatively blister free.



Work Snippet:

My coworker named Jane is a crazy-bug, she grew up in Africa; went to school in Texas, and now works with me in SLC Utah. She's a strange one, but I'm so glad she is. She definitely has a exuberant personality. Recently she went night snowboarding and ran into a tree, broke her leg in a couple places and ripped muscle... super knurly! (you can't really see the strange brace she's wearing since her pants and the brace are both black in the pic.)

Anyway, Jane came to work today in a shirt with a similar pattern to my own, it was a strange oddity that had to be documented, mostly because Jane's and my own dress sense is quite different. We both had back bird patterns on our shirts. Photo-Op!

Happy Friday!

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